Hey guys!

I’m back! It’s been a minute (sometimes a frustrating, banging my head on the wall minute), but here I am. Writing is a tough business –not the deadlines, or the writing, or the meeting new people who will let me talking about my imaginary friends. The business end is tough. I’ve revamped my website, which took a longer learning curve than I anticipated. There are probably some wrinkles I need to iron out that I won’t discover until I go live. If you see something, give me a shout at susan@smkirkland.com.

“The Disturbed,” book two of “The Redeemed” series is out!!!! I have not done a big release as I want to do it right. Rest assured, plans are in the works. If you can’t wait to read what kind of mischief Rax and Andre get into (in Alaska) or to see who gets married and who gets moosed, from the website or Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You won’t be disappointed.

I’m plugging away at “The Reclaimed,” book three. This one will follow Andre as he is forced to protect his daughter Iris from Black Rain. Will his relapse back to heroin be the end of him? Sort of, maybe. His story is pretty set at this point, other than writing the rest of it. Rax continues to be a pain. Playing with several story lines for him. Does he find an earthly father or reconcile with his Heavenly Father?  When I figure it out, I can finish his story line. . .

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