Category: Uncategorized

  • The Struggle for Survival: Andre’s Journey Through Poverty

    The Struggle for Survival: Andre’s Journey Through Poverty

    Author’s note: This was the original opening, but my editor, Caprice Hokstad, recommended a rewrite. The published chapter one is much stronger, but this was a good chapter (just not the best) and thought I’d share it with you. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Andre Collinger ripped open the thick plastic bag and jerked it open, ignoring…

  • Talkin’ about dialogue

    I love dialogue. Effective dialogue brings the story to life. It is literally the starting breath of all my novels. A snippet of conversation bounces around my brain and I have to figure out the who, what, when, where and why of those one or two lines. But, how is novel writing dialogue different from…

  • Griping supernatural journey-The Wringler doesn’t disappoint

    Griping supernatural journey-The Wringler doesn’t disappoint

    I’m currently reading “The Wringler: A Letter from Home” by Daniel Swarthourt. It’s a supernatural thriller that is well written with good pacing. Great cliffhangers between storylines that sometimes made me glare at the book. . .but it also kept me reading. The story follows Tatum, a young man who goes NC with everyone following…

  • That annoying word

    That annoying word

    Pet-peeves. We all have them, but writers seem to possess an extra dose of grammar and syntax idiosyncrasies that drive us bonkers.

  • Hey guys!

    Hey guys!

    I’m back! It’s been a minute (sometimes a frustrating, banging my head on the wall minute), but here I am.