Category: Uncategorized

  • Fair Balance by S.M. Kirkland

    Fair Balance by S.M. Kirkland

    TONIGHT. Celisa Cooper froze, the fingers of her right hand entwined in one of the many chains and necklaces hanging from her thin, pale neck. The sterling silver cross felt cool in her hand. Her grip tightened, and her heart thundered. Tonight? I’m not ready. Tonight.

  • The Struggle for Survival: Andre’s Journey Through Poverty

    The Struggle for Survival: Andre’s Journey Through Poverty

    Author’s note: This was the original opening, but my editor, Caprice Hokstad, recommended a rewrite. The published chapter one is much stronger, but this was a good chapter (just not the best) and thought I’d share it with you. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Andre Collinger ripped open the thick plastic bag and jerked it open, ignoring…

  • Talkin’ about dialogue

    I love dialogue. Effective dialogue brings the story to life. It is literally the starting breath of all my novels. A snippet of conversation bounces around my brain and I have to figure out the who, what, when, where and why of those one or two lines. But, how is novel writing dialogue different from…

  • Griping supernatural journey-The Wringler doesn’t disappoint

    Griping supernatural journey-The Wringler doesn’t disappoint

    I’m currently reading “The Wringler: A Letter from Home” by Daniel Swarthourt. It’s a supernatural thriller that is well written with good pacing. Great cliffhangers between storylines that sometimes made me glare at the book. . .but it also kept me reading. The story follows Tatum, a young man who goes NC with everyone following…

  • That annoying word

    That annoying word

    Pet-peeves. We all have them, but writers seem to possess an extra dose of grammar and syntax idiosyncrasies that drive us bonkers.

  • Hey guys!

    Hey guys!

    I’m back! It’s been a minute (sometimes a frustrating, banging my head on the wall minute), but here I am.